Liuna Gardens Wedding - Pia & Mat Get Married at Liuna Gardens, Hamilton

July 14, 2019  •  3 Comments

So, Pia and Mat. Where do I start? These two had one of those weddings that had so much emotion and backstory to it that I'm so glad we get to tell their story in pictures because sometimes you just can't say it all. 

These two met online (coincidentally on the same dating site Mike and I met) and even though Mat lived in another province at the time, it didn't take long for this long-distance relationship to become something they both knew they couldn't live without. Mat moved back to Ontario and the two of them fell deeply in love, bonding over everything from their similar life-goals to their love of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. I'll tell you more about their connection with Tom Petty in a second, you guys will definitely want to keep reading to find out about how these two ended up in a music video of their favourite band. 

On their wedding day, we started at Mat's house. He's a pretty cool cucumber, no nerves at all, just fueled himself up on Timmies and waited to meet his bride. His mom is one of the cutest mothers of the groom ever, she had the biggest, happiest smile the whole day. Like actually, the WHOLE day :) 
groom getting ready groom getting ready happy mother of bride bride opening gift bride opening gift bride opening gift

There are so many ways to honour a loved one who is watching from Heaven. The way that Pia had her Dad with her as she walked down the aisle was so special because it was kind of like they were holding hands as she held her bouquet. It kind of takes my breath away to think about the range of emotions that must have been going through Pia's heart that day as she was taking steps towards her husband, without her beloved Dad giving her away like she had dreamed of. 

momento flowers momento flowers wedding dress

bride getting ready bride getting ready bride getting ready bride getting ready kids at weddings

"Imma gunna smoosh-a ya face." Kids are weird :)   kids at weddings kids at weddings

bride coming to reception

Before we go down the aisle, lets take a break so I can tell some more of that Tom Petty backstory. One of his last big concerts happened in Hyde Park, England. Pia and Mat just happened to be in Europe at the time and Mat surprised her with tickets to this huge, incredible concert. They had the very best time and Pia picked up a Tom Petty t-shirt to remember that incredible day.

Fast forward to the day Mat proposed.

He had driven 5 hours away to pick up her wedding ring and when he got back, he couldn't wait to surprise his girl again. He got down on one knee and proposed, and Pia, wearing the t-shirt she'd picked up from that fabulous concert, said YES! 

The day after her wedding, Pia noticed that The Heartbreakers were looking for videos and pictures from fans who had had a connection to Tom Petty. She sent in a clip of their first dance, which was set to "Here Comes My Girl", and it actually made it into the video! Check it out at 1:23 here :)  bride coming to reception bride coming to reception wedding ceremony wedding ceremony wedding ceremony wedding ceremony wedding ceremony wedding ceremony

Pia's gorgeous lipstick made a few extra appearances a couple of times that day :)

wedding ceremony

bride walking down aisle bride walking down aisle bride walking down aisle bride walking down aisle emotional bride emotional bride bridal portrait bridal portrait

Pia's dress is one of my favourites from the year. It fits her completely perfectly and the delicate beading adds just enough glamour without being over the top.  bridal portrait bridal portrait liuna gardens wedding liuna gardens wedding liuna gardens wedding liuna gardens wedding wedding reception photos wedding reception photos

So Mat has held it together pretty well so far. But even Mike had tears in his eyes when Mat stood up and professed not only his love for Pia, but his deep desire to have met her father, the man who shaped who Pia is today. It was very emotional and truly beautiful. A girl who marries a guy who loves and respects her dad, even when he hasn't met him, is a very lucky girl.   wedding reception photos wedding reception photos

I love how this shot looks like it's something straight out of the Little Mermaid. One thing we love about Liuna Garden's is how dynamic the shoreline can be - we've shot weddings here where there has been everything from the most stunning sunset to an epic lightning storm.  night time wedding photo Liuna Gardens


"We gonna last forever,’ And man, you know I can't begin to doubt it. No, because this feels so good and so free and so right, I know we ain't never goin' change our minds about it"
-Here Comes My Girl, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

wedding reception dancing wedding reception dancing wedding reception dancing wedding reception dancing happy wedding dancing happy wedding dancing happy wedding dancing happy wedding dancing happy wedding dancing Wasn't that a beautiful wedding? So much fun and so many tears - happy and bittersweet and just perfect. Here's a list of vendors that helped make this such a special day: 

Hair: Anthony Diletti from Diletti Salon and Spa

Dress: Saratina Bridal

Suits: Moore’s

Makeup: Makeup by Chantal (and oh my goodness, were Pia's lips not THE perfect shade of red!) 

Flowers: Rose’s Craft's & Things

Did you love that wedding as much as I did? Give us a shout to find out how we can be a part of your wedding day, we'd love to chat

All pictures were taken by Mike Tigchelaar, Lead Photographer and Owner of Zekar Photography. This blog was written by Kate Tigchelaar, Studio Manager for Zekar Photography. 


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