Rose & Tom Wedding at Geraldo's at LaSalle Park, Burlington

November 02, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

It was a beautiful, sunny August morning when Mike arrived at the Sheraton Hotel in Hamilton. Rose was busy having her makeup done, and slipping into her beautiful lace wedding dress. The dress fit her perfectly, with delicate details and lace overlay, its femininity was a fitting extension of Rose's gentle and sweet personality. 


bride getting makeup applied

black and white photo of bride getting makeup applied bride getting makeup applied

wedding dress hanging in window friend watching bride get ready friend watching bride get ready black and white picture of bride smiling wedding rings over bible pages

The women in the room helped Rose slip into her dress, and put the finishing touches on. Her hair looked glorious, thick and dark and shining down her back in perfect loose curls. 

bride getting into dress hands buttoning up wedding dress

The men were busy following an Armenian tradition where Rose's brother slips some money into her shoes as a sign of good luck and happy start to her new life as a wife. 

money in brides shoes Armenian tradition money in brides shoes Armenian tradition

Next we were off to the church, St. Patricks Cathedral, one of the oldest churches in Hamilton. Built in 1877, the stunning architecture seems to embrace Rose as she walks down the aisle to her handsome husband-to-be, Tom, as he waits for her with smiling eyes and a happily nervous smile. 

bride walking down the aisle with dad bride and groom at altar of old Catholic Church bride and groom crowning Armenian tradition

Finally, Rose & Tom are married, smiling and relaxed and really excited. Having gotten the most nerve wracking part over, its time to head over to the reception at Geraldo's at LaSalle Park in Burlington.

bride and groom leaving church bride and groom leaving church smiling wedding guests black and white groomsmen photograph bridal portrait

groom portrait bride and groom laughing black and white photo of bride and groom walking with wedding party

Rose and Tom are truly a sweet couple. Both of them are a little shy and reserved, but when together they bring out the best in each other and truly only have eyes for the other. I just love the way that Rose gazes up at her handsome husband, as he looks adoringly down at her. So much is said between these two in the subtleties of love and life.

bride and groom kissing on bridge

bride and groom hugging bouquet in foreground, bride and groom blurry in background bride and groom kissing bride and groom walking along the beach

The only downside to having shoes full of good luck money :) 

  groom helping bride with shoes

silhouette of bride and groom bride and groom kissing on grass

I just love this idea, a great way to celebrate a couples first midnight together, with sparklers and revelry!  sparklers for wedding



bride smiling at bridesmaids groom smiling at guests bride and groom being introduced

A lot of our couples are doing their first dance as part of their entrance celebration. This is a beautiful way to kick of the feast! :)

bride and groom first dance

guest taking picture of bride and groom with ipad black and white picture of bride and groom dancing black and white picture of bride and groom dancing black and white picture through the window panes of bride and groom bride and groom kissing through christmas lights at head table at night

Rose and Tom met and fell in love while they were both planting flower beds, while working for the city. I can't resist making a reference to flowers, as Mike & I both wish this lovely couple a beautiful life as their love blossoms and their future unfolds!

bride and groom kissing at night in window with flash behind them making shadows


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